Monday, May 7, 2007

Across the park (on the other side, that is)

For all of you writers out there that find it hard to work at home but hard to do all the work you need to get done in one of the city's no-phones-allowed writing spaces (i.e. The Writers Room (which rather pretentiously calls itself "an urban writer's colony"), the year-and-a-half old Paragraph, and King County's own Brooklyn Writers Space), there's a new kid on the block: Gowanus's Room 58, a writing space that advertises itself as being designed for journalists and other "research based writers." Translation: you're allowed to use your phone. At least in one of the Room's rooms. (Room 58 is actually a joint Brooklyn Writers Space and the Brooklyn Artists Gym, which, of course, isn't a gym at all but a kind of collective studio. Somehow, I don't imagine a gym designed solely for artists would be a huge hit.)

There was an open house on Saturday and they're a couple of more coming up, this Wednesday and next Wednesday from 11-1. I'm curious to hear from anyone who checked/is planning on checking it out...

1 comment:

Ed said...

This is a great post. Hey Planet PLG - do you think having a few pictures would kill this blogs emphasis on writing? I think a some visuals may give it some more punch. Of course, I can understand if you want to continue to weed out the empty-headed crowd. But I can't help but wonder if some opportunities are being missed by a lack visuals. There are plenty of photographers in the neighborhood who, I am certain, would be happy to provide you with an electronic photo for each new topic.