Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The things I'd like to see in Planet PLG

And I'm talking about the entire neighborhood, not the website...

The last year-plus has brought some notable additions, with the just-redone K-Dog paving the way for Enduro and now, it seems, a revamped (or at least revamping) Papa & Sons. The CSA will add a weekly supply of delicious, farm-fresh produce.

But there's a lot left that's still be desired. I, for one, would love a restaurant that's a true destination -- the kind that would bring in outsiders and show off what PLG has to offer -- rather than an acceptable alternative; as thankful as I am that Enduro is here, it's hard to pitch it as anything more than your typical, standard-fare Mexican.

I could go on, but I'd rather hear from everyone else out there. Which is why I'm launching a new feature, TILT SIP ProLeGs. (Now there's a catchy acronym.) Write in with your deepest desires, and every week or so I'll put them all together in an effort to steer the conversation in one direction or another. Our ideal world is only as small as your imagination...


Unknown said...

I'm dying for a laundromat that will pick up my clothes, wash them, and deliver them to me. My Caribbean ancestors are rolling in their graves, but some parts of assimilation are better than others...

Ed said...

I am so relieved that someone has the cojones to speak truthfully about Enduro besides me!!! Those nutjobs at "Across the Park" nearly annhilated me because I refused to keep my mouth shut with respect to how THOROUGHLY MEDIOCRE and disappointing that restaurant is!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there is a great, big, GAPING need for a GOOD restaurant in PLG. Think CUISINE, folks - like Farm on Adderly. Once a place like that opens, people will come from all over. And if there's only enough business in PLG to support ONE mainstream restaurant, I hate to say it, but the newest place won't be the one that goes under...

I think we could benefit from an upscale or hip CARIBBEAN restaurant too. Think Brawta on Atlantic Avenue. It would be great if Mike's would get it's act together and provide something like this. They could start by getting a serious decor overhaul, because right now, it's very "Trini to the Bone" (Enduro's predecessor, who got evicted). You simply can't expect to be taken seriously when you are unintentionally so far off from the aesthetic mainstream! Plastic table covers? Table numbers? Tiny windows with neon lights and bars? The general restaurant-going public walks past places like that because, unfortunately, the decor screams "tacky," "low-class," and "keep out." I don't think it's the owners' intention. They are, apparently, lovely people that wouldn't mind getting a "piece of the pie." But sadly, by refusing to assimilate in terms of design/aesthetics (whether intentionally or not) places like this lose tons of business, and legions of people lose out on the chance to experience a certain type of cuisine.

Jeff Welch said...

Hi Ed.
A new establishment like Enduro may not be the destination restaurant you dream of but it does add a different choice for dining along with a very pleasant bar -- a much-needed spot to meet with friends.
Enduro's owner Jim Mammary has taken a business gamble and opened in our neighborhood and most of us welcome him and the revitalized energy he brings to Lincoln Rd. If you feel the food is mediocre, instead of slamming the entire effort, why not speak to Jim. He is affable and interested in our thoughts and desires.
It would be a pity to see yet another small business effort in PLG die on the vine. I think you'd agree that we all want MORE business choices in our district, for both new and existing retailers to improve their service and offerings, the goal being the vitality of the whole district.
I'd encourage you to participate in our community-based business improvement organization, PLUS (Prospect Lefferts United for Services). We have open quarterly meetings and welcome all passionate PLG residents who are committed to the improvement of our district's retail offerings. Please join us.

Ed said...

Hi Jeffrey - I didn't really slam Enduro - I said it was "thoroughly mediocre". I agree - it's been a great gathering place for the neighborhood. But frankly, I think Meytex Lounge and Mike's International serve better food. If it's not clear, it's just my opinion and you're free to disagree.

I love PLUS and think they are great for the neighborhood. But let's strive to apply the same standards to all neighborhood dining options and not give Enduro special treatment just because it is a white-owned and operated business that provides a place for the gentrifying crowd to gather. Doing so is a great offense to the non-gentrifying crowd.

Michael said...

I'd like to see in PLG an end to persons who blast music at super-human decibel levels not only inside their apartments, but on the streets until 3 a.m. Of course, as I live on Earth with other human beings, and mutual respect and consideration are not taught/practiced in all families, I'll just have to buy a loud air-conditioner ;-)